Corrected Paper in Proceedings
The paper On the Influence of Multiple Faults on Coverage-Based Fault Localization in the proceedings was unfortunately corrupted, some characters in the figures did not show up correctly. We have updated the paper in the online version.
ISSTA App for Windows Phones
Thanks to Tom Zimmermann there’s now a Windows Phone App that shows you the complete ISSTA schedule. Thanks Tom!
Awardees for Google Diversity Program and SIGSOFT CAPS
Google Diversity Program
Google is sponsoring a program that provides free registration at ISSTA for women in their first three years of graduate studies who have an interest in software testing and analysis, but have not yet published research in the area. The goal of the program is to reach out to students who wouldn’t otherwise attend ISSTA, so that they can see the world-class research presented at the meeting, network with researchers in the field, and develop their interests in software testing and analysis.
The following Awardees have now been selected. Congratulations!
- Eva May, Saarland University, Germany
- Amanda Swearngin, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, USA
- Tatiana Tokareva, University of Western Ontario, Canada
- Qiaona Hong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
- Xi Li, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Fathiyeh Faghih, University of Waterloo, Canada

The following Awardees have now been selected for CAPS. Congratulations!
- Michael Pradel, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Jeff Huang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
- Kunal Taneja, North Carolina State University, USA
- Jake Cobb, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Room assignment, some sessions moved
Room assignments are now available online. Most talks will take place in the Ballroom but for parallel tracks the Ballroom will be split into Salon A and Salon B.
Also note that for organizational reasons we had to move a couple of sessions. They all remain on the same day as before but your session(s) may have moved from the morning to the afternoon or vice versa.
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
The program committee is pleased to announce that at ISSTA the following papers will be awarded an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award. The choice was not easy, as we had quite a number of excellent paper submissions. Congratulations to the authors!
Recovering the Toolchain Provenance of Binary Code
Nathan Rosenblum, Barton Miller, and Xiaojin Zhu (University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA)
Automatic Partial Loop Summarization in Dynamic Test Generation
Patrice Godefroid and Daniel Luchaup (Microsoft Research, USA; University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA)
Path- and Index-sensitive String Analysis based on Monadic Second-order Logic
Takaaki Tateishi, Marco Pistoia, and Omer Tripp (IBM Research Tokyo, Japan; IBM Research Watson, USA; IBM Software Group, Israel)
Call for Participation
We invite you all to participate in ISSTA 2011! Read our call for participation here!
Session Chairs
Session chairs have now been assigned. Please consult the program for details.
Program is online, registration is open
Today we have put the ISSTA 2011 program online. This year, ISSTA received an all-time high number of submissions and we also accepted an all-time high number of excellent research papers. They should surely make for an interesting program.
ISSTA will also feature two excellent invited speakers.
Laurie Hendren
Laurie Hendren will describe her work on applying and adapting program analysis techniques to model-driven development, e.g., Matlab.
John Regehr
John Regehr will discuss the challenges arising in validating embedded software for sensor network applications.
Further, ISSTA will be co-located with a range of interesting events:
Industry-Academia Session
ISSTA will be co-located with:
The program features tutorials and a discussion panel.
ISSTA will have four exciting co-located workshops:
- ETSE – End-to-end Test Script Engineering
- PADTAD – Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing, Analysis, and Debugging
- SSEAT - Workshop on State-space Exploration for Automated Testing
- WODA – International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis
Finally, registration is open now. We hope to see you there!
Google Diversity Program
Google is sponsoring a program that provides free registration at ISSTA for women in their first three years of graduate studies who have an interest in software testing and analysis, but have not yet published research in the area. The goal of the program is to reach out to students who wouldn’t otherwise attend ISSTA, so that they can see the world-class research presented at the meeting, network with researchers in the field, and develop their interests in software testing and analysis.
We were able to make six awards to applicants to the program (details forthcoming) and each awardee will receive…
- free registration to ISSTA 2011,
- one free night in the conference hotel,
- assistance in organizing the sharing of hotel rooms with other awardees, and
- an invitation to special events to network with established ISSTA researchers.
Selection Committee
- Mary Jean Harrold (ISSTA’00 Program Chair)
- Phyllis Frankl (ISSTA’02 Program Chair)
- Lori Pollock (ISSTA’06 General Chair)
- Barbara Ryder (ISSTA’08 General Chair)
- Laura Dillon (ISSTA’09 Program Chair)
Share your ISSTA photos on Flickr
We have set up a Flickr group that you can use to share your photos from ISSTA. Currently, the group only contains a couple of Eric’s photos from the PC meeting but we invite you all to share your own. To share photos, simply…
- log into Flickr
- upload your photos
- go to the group page
- click on “Add photos”
The ISSTA webpage will automatically display the most popular photos from this group.